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Wearlon® Super F-3M        - Algae Control – Zebra Mussel Prevention -

Meets EPA, USDA, And FDA 21 CFR 175.300 Requirements

Surface Preparation

Wearlon® Super F-3M is a water based silicone-epoxy coating having unique release properties while adhering to a broad range of substrates including wood, concrete, fiberglass, metals, and most plastics including epoxies, polyurethanes, and alkyds. Wearlon® Super F-3M is the most hydrophobic of all the Wearlon coatings having a low surface tension when in contact with water. Because of its excellent abrasion and corrosion resistance it is being used in a variety of marine application including zebra mussel control.

Mixing Instructions

Wearlon® Super F-3M is a 2 component product, packaged in 1 Gallon and 5 Gallon kit containing the proper ratio of ingredients. The entire contents of each container should be mixed together. For quantities less than the pre-packaged kit, mix as follows: To 11 parts of the A component, mix in 2 parts of the B component. Mix the A and the B until completely blended. NO INDUCTION PERIOD NECESSARY...Spray immediately.

Thinning and Clean up

In most cases it is not necessary to thin Wearlon® Super F-3M. If you find it necessary to thin Wearlon® Super F-3M you may add up to 5% DRINKING WATER. Clean up by using soap and water while Wearlon® Super F-3M is in an uncured state. For best results clean all equipment as soon as the application is complete. After the material has cured, solvent is needed to clean the Wearlon® Super F-3M

Application and Recoating

Product can be rolled, brushed or sprayed. For best results, spray Wearlon® Super F-3M with airless spray equipment for a 3 to 4 mil dry, or 6 to 8 mil wet coating. Allow to cure at least 24 hours and ideally one week at room temperature before putting into service. Do not coat products at surface temperatures below 40°F and relative humidity above 90%. Wearlon® Super F-3M cures at room temperature, however to speed up curing and to obtain the best abrasion, apply on a warm substrate or post heat at an elevated temperature at least 8 hours after application. Do not use harsh chemicals for cleaning Wearlon surfaces, a simple hand wipe or a light scrape is adequate for removing marine growth. If the Wearlon surface has become damaged or has excessive wear, then an occasional touch up may be required. This can be achieved by simply spraying 1 to 3 mils of the Wearlon® Super F-3M over the existing Wearlon surface and allowing it to cure for at least 24 hours prior to putting it back in service. If poor wetting occurs while applying subsequent Wearlon coatings, then lightly roughen the dry Wearlon surface with 400 grit sandpaper prior to top-coating. See application and thinning instructions for Speed Coat- 49 for further instructions on obtaining a light touch-up coating.

Caution: Extremely Slippery—care must be followed when transporting or walking on this surface.

Refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Coating Type

Shelf Life: 1 Year Storage: DO NOT FREEZE Color: Various, Pot life: 60 min. @ 68°F Induction Time: None Solids: by Weight 49% Coverage Rate: Approx. 180 sq.ft. per gallon @ 4 dry mils. Tensile Strength: > 1750psi Elongation: ASTM 2370>5% Adhesion: ASTM D451>1000psi on steel Abrasion: (CS 17/Kg/1000 cycles) <4 mg loss Cure Time: Cures at room temperature. Dry to the touch in 4 hours. Can be force cured 300°F for 30 min. Many applications can be returned to service the next day. VOC: ASTM 3960-1.0#/gl. Heat Resistance: Do not exceed 275°F continuous service

CAUTION: Wearlon® surfaces have a low coefficient of friction and therefore tend to be slippery.

To the best of our knowledge the technical data contained herein is true and accurate at the date of this issuance and is subject to change without prior notice. User must contact Wearlon® distributor/representative to verify correctness before specifying or ordering. No guarantee of accuracy is given or implied. Plastic Maritime guarantees its products to conform to Plastic Maritime quality control. Plastic Maritime assumes no responsibility for coverage, performance, or injuries resulting from use. Liability, if any, is limited to replacement of products. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY PLASTIC MARITIME, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF THE LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR OR CALL PLASTIC MARITIME AT 518-587-7624.

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