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Wearlon® Primers 2020.90 / Super F-3M Primer

Wearlon® 2020.90 is an epoxy/water-based primer with an unusually tenacious adherence to wide varieties of substrates especially metals.

Wearlon® Super F-3M Primer is a water-based epoxy engineered for excellence in marine environments.

Weather Resistant


Wearlon® offers superior surface protection in both fresh and salt water environments, and extends the life of steel, iron, aluminum, concrete and a wide range of other substrates.


From the low V.O.C. (volatile organic compound) rating of Wearlon's® water base chemistry to its non-toxic, non-leaching working principle, Wearlon® has minimal environmental impact.

Corrosion Resistant


Wearlon's® foul release system is actually a full maintenance coating system with all the properties you would expect from a premium maintenance coating system. ie.:

  • Above and below water performance.
  • Wide temperature operating range.
  • Excellent Solvent Resistance.

Accelerated Aging Testing

The advent of new legislation governing VOC's is resulting in the rapid development of new products that comply.

Accelerated Aging Testing has increased the important because there just isn't 10 years to see how a new coating will perform.

Accelerated Aging Tests don't give absolute results that can be extrapolated to field service. It is necessary to do comparative testing with materials of known field performance for valid conclusions.

We do several types of Accelerated Aging Tests:

  1. Bubbling Salt Solution:
    Coated panels are soaked in an aerated salt solution. We use sodium chloride (+- 10% solution) with a diffuser attached to a fish tank aerator. It's a very strenuous quick and dirty test that sorts good from bad without too much delay.
  2. Prohesion / Q-Fog / Salt Spray Test:
    We use a modified version of ASTM B117.
    Details: Wet Cycle - 1 hr spray of 600 ml salt solution. The spray solution is 0.35% Ammonium Sulphate and 0.5% Sodium Chloride in distilled water.
    Dry Cycle - 1 hr air purge +- 70°F (22°C). Coated panels are scribed to metal and exposed at a 30% angle.

    Photographs overleaf demonstrate the results that are achieved. Please note the different times that samples have been subjected to the test. Propagation of rust from the scribe mark and edges is an important parameter to compare.
  3. Q U V Accelerated UV / Condensation Test:
    This weatherometer subjects panels to:
    - Extreme UV
    - Wet/Dry Cycle
    - Temperature fluctuations

    We use a QUV according to ASTM G53 practice B. ie:
    - 4 hours UV at +- 140°F (60°C)
    - 4 hours Condensation at +- 122°F (50°C)
    - UV 340A fluorescent lamps
  4. Q FOG / QUV Combined Test - (Sherwin Williams test):
    Coated samples are moved every 200 hours from test to test giving a cumulative result over an extended period. This method was recently written up in the Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings.

These tests are all quite severe and can exaggerate a weakness in a system.

Summary of Lab Tests on Typical Wearlon® Coatings

The following are the main advantages of Wearlon® coatings.

  1. Non-Stick Properties
    20 gr/in of release on Johnson and Johnson waterproof tape with subsequent adhesion of 100%
  2. Low Friction Coefficient
    Static coefficient (on cold rolled steel) -0.11
    Dynamic coefficient -0.07
  3. Hard Surface
    Impact test (extrusion) better than 90 cmX11 gr of impact
  4. Excellent Adhesion to Surfaces
    Pull-off test > 400 psi (better than cyano acrylate) on cold rolled steel
  5. Low Wear - Abrasion Resistance
    Excellent abrasion resistance - 1 mil loss after 3000 cycles CS-17 wheel at 1000 gr load (Tabor test)
  6. Water and Solvent Resistance
    Passed most tests on immersion, splash and fumes of major organic solvents; salts; inorganic and organic acids (except oxidizing acids); alkaline solutions and most oxidizing agents
  7. Anti-Corrosion
    JPCL Test (accelerated) - 36 out of 40 max (better than epoxy) without any corrosion on coated surfaces
  8. UV-Resistance
    No degradation, cracking, or blistering > 30 days at QUV
  9. Low Chipping
    Very low chipping, less than 0.3%
  10. Flexibility to Folding
    Excellent. Passed OT test without cracking or deformation of coat.
  11. Temperature Resistance to Sudden Change
    Maintains release and flexibility after 500°F for 16 hours.
  12. Hydrophobicity
    High contact angles with water > 90°
    Excellent spreading with organic solvents 0° for CH2I 2
    Low surface energies < 40 dynes/cm
  13. Electric Conductivity
    Very low - 10-11 mohs/cm
  14. Environmentally Friendly
    Very low VOC

Physical and Chemical Properties of Wearlon

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