Wearlon Corporation

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Testimonials for Wearlon Products

Here are a few testimonials of the many that have been reported. If you have a success story that you would like to add, please contact us and let us know.

Zebra Mussel / Anti-corrosion
As reported in September 1997 feature of "Hydro Review", Wearlon was credited for increasing the hydro-electric output by numbers as high as 8% while preventing deterioration of the penstock due to corrosion and Zebra Mussel attachments. Years later these excellent results were further confirmed at the Gananoque Light & Power facility in Ontario, Canada and reported by Andy Ling Chief Engineer at that facility.
Zebra Mussel / Ice Resistance
As reported in August 2000 and a follow-up on February 24, 2003, Wearlon has further demonstrated its resistance against zebra mussel attachment on six intake screens at the R. E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant facility. These screens are located 3100 feet out in Lake Ontario in 33 feet of water. Mark Fitzsimmons, Engineer for Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation, stated that these screens are closely monitored for any potential problems of frazil ice formation and zebra mussel attachment and is pleased at the reduction in cleaning required on the Wearlon-coated screens.
Waste Water Treatment
The city of Petaluma, California has Wearlon-coated clarifier launders and other surfaces at its Waste Water Treatment Facility. In September 2001 Wearlon was coated on these surfaces to reduce algae growth and thereby reduce cleaning costs. They also coated Wearlon on dump truck beds used for hauling away of biosolid waste products. Chris McAuliffe, Plant Manager reported on February 14, 2003 that the Wearlon is still performing well in both of these situations. The attached picture demonstrates the Wearlon as represented by the blue surface as being resistant to algae growth. The surrounding area does not have the Wearlon coating, resulting in rapid algae growth and the subsequent problem of removing these well-adhered species.
Stretch Forming
It has been reported in the Newsletter of a leading aircraft company the benefits of Wearlon in the fabrication of sheet metal parts and tools.
  • Reduced cycle time
  • Reduced / elimination of oil as well as hazardous waste disposal
  • Reduced wear properties of the tools
  • Reduced / elimination of variation to oil viscosity and usage
  • Elimination of oxidation of aluminum, Kirksite, and plastic dies
  • Reduced tooling hours, new makes, and re-cuts by reducing benching (sanding) operation.
Wearlon has been proven successful over several years and is presently being used by major aircraft and automobile manufacturers for stretch forming metal parts.
Anti-Stick (Hot Melt Adhesives)
Bill Webb of Webb Patterns in Fenton, Michigan has been very successful using Wearlon in the manufacturing of machine parts used in the hot melt adhesive industry.
Cutting Tools
Kairos Global Corporation located in Shreveport; LA has a long history of using Wearlon on 1-inch band saw blades for cutting wet oak cylinders. Without Wearlon they would experience charring of the wood and face extreme difficulties in cutting this wood. Charles Barbier of this company has reported that the use of Wearlon has increased the cutting productivity by at least 10 times and has extended the wear life of the blade by 10 times. They apply Wearlon in their own shop.
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